Saturday, June 14, 2014

Welcome (Back) to the Playground!

I was chatting, a couple of weeks back, with a dear friend and colleague, Amy Griffith of Sextant Wines.  She made an incredible and insightful observation that I would like to share...

Amy had just returned from recent travels, and while in the airport waiting to board her next flight she witnessed a young child making friends with another youngster.  Her story went something like this...

I was enthralled with how uninhibited this child was.  No awkwardness.  No barriers.  The little one walked right up to the other, and before long they were running around together, without a care in the world.

We, as adults, have many inhibitions and reservations.  We tend to stick to ourselves and have really lost the art of connecting with other adults.

When we're out and about, we don't go out of our way to engage others.  At least not enough.

In a tasting room, however, we assimilate, as children once again.

Wine is our common denominator, our common topic, our common thread.

Inhibitions are gone.

We chat, we laugh, we engage.

Friendships are fostered, connections are made.

It's really quite beautiful.

Kind of like our adult playground.

I cannot tell you how many times I have witnessed this very phenomenon right here, at Hansen.  Sadly, however, I have never given it much thought.  Folks walk in and begin chatting with other guests, at the tasting bar.  At first it's about the wine.  Then topics turn...home, children, work, hobbies.  Laughter ensues.  Numbers are exchanged. Before long the spark of a friendship has been kindled.

I won't venture to say that this isolated to our industry, but I will say that wine certainly seems to be a unique elixir.  It's sophisticated, yet friendly.  It's intricate, yet an equalizer.  It's an educational experience, yet an escape.  And all-in-all it's BEST when enjoyed with others.

I left, that day, after talking with Amy, as though she had imparted quite a nugget of wisdom.  This truth made me smile and, once again, beam at the thought of how blessed I feel to be working right here, smack dab in the middle of the beautiful Paso Robles wine country.  After all, I like the idea of bringing folks together.  I like the idea of helping to foster an environment that brings people out of their introspective shells.  And most notably, I like to think that our very own "playground" has been the cornerstone for untold friendships, adventures, romances and more.


Amy Griffith, Director of Hospitality, humble philosopher and all around amazing gal can be found at the beautiful, new Sextant Wines tasting room, on the westside of Paso Robles.  If you haven't stopped in to experience their incredible "playground" please do so and let them know that Hansen Vineyards sent you! Find them on the web at

Author, Jennifer Jansen, Winery Manager for Hansen Vineyards, can be found "pulling yard duty" at 5575 El Pomar Drive each Friday, Saturday and Sunday from 11-5.  If you have a story about connecting with others at Hansen (to be considered for a possible blog feature), please email Jennifer at

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